Masjid Notice Board
(Peace be upon you)
and welcome to the Website of The Ilford Muslim Society

bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
click here for more info about the Ilford Muslim Society
** Masjid-e-Da'watul Islam **
Please check the Masjid Notice Board on the left of this website &
our Twitter Feed for latest information.
** Masjid-e-Da'watul Islam Lillah Donations **
Please continue to support your Masjid by donating so we can
cover the Masjids annual expenses, Jazakallah hu Khairan.
Visit the Donate page to find out how to donate or use the button
below for smaller amounts.


Got a Question? PLEASE CLICK HERE |
If you have a question from an Islamic perspective please click the above link and our Molanas / Imams will gladly try to answer any of your queries. |
*NEW* ** Men's Islamic Essentials Program **
CLICK HERE for more info
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